Wednesday, December 31, 2008

life in oklahoma

Well the kids did like the house and location we picked so we did good. Well we have been here for 2 weeks now and have met a few of the neighbors. The principal of the kids school lives across the street and she seems nice. School starts at 8:45 and the kids liked that also they will go on Tuesday. I have learned my way around alittle better especially since jay got me a GPS for christmas i have used it alot the kids are happy since i haven't gotten lost as much and they now they say "recalculating" if i miss my turn. The house is starting to get cleared out of boxes and we will be working on it alot the rest of this break. The kids and dogs have enjoyed the big backyard scooby stays in the garage mostly but he does venture around since he likes it outside except for the cold nights.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Oklahoma/other updates

Well its here the day I have been dreading...We are heading to Oklahoma on wednesday and the kids will get to see there new house for the first time..I hope they like it..Eric is being a trooper but Jordan was upset today I am hoping Abbi will help..I am going to miss all my great friends in Tyler but its only a 5 hours drive and I will be back especially over the summer. And I know ya'll will come and see us as well we have 5 bedrooms and an office so there is plenty of room No excuse.
Tomorrow Eric will be signing his book he wrote for school at Barnes and Noble he is very excited about that. I will send pics soon and of course the book is about Scooby.
I will be off the blog for awhile but will let everyone know once we are back on.
Also just if any of you are wondering Jay is actually enjoying Abbi i caught him holding her. Too cute I did take pics..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Newest Addition

Jay finally let Jordan and me have the dog we wanted for Christmas...Her name is Abbigail Georgia Lopez(Eric says she has a big head like George Lopez).She is a Boston Terrier and is 12 weeks old. She now weighs 5 pounds and should just get up to 10 pounds. The dog belong to our neighbor but it just started to get to be to much for them and they asked us if we wanted her. We have grown to love her and we said yes but it was up to Jay. It took him awhile but he agreed and this has really helped Jordan on her transition to Oklahoma next week

jordans party at school

I brought cupcakes to Jordans school on her brithday. All the kids were so happy and they all wanted their picture taken. One even took the camera and took some pictures but they all had hands in the pictures. I gave her some presents after school of course she wasn't happy with one of them you will see in the picture but she has since changed her mind about it..

Saturday, November 29, 2008

jordans 7th bday party

Jordan celebrated her birthday with her close friends(Eric invited his friends too). They all had a blast running around and playing. We had the girls scrapbook a page about Jordan for her to bring them to Oklahoma. Jordan got her american girl doll, Julie. I also took Jordan and Eric to see the movie "Bolt" and the next day we drove to Jays parents for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We are heading to Jays parents in Georgetown, TX for thanksgiving. Hope everyone enjoys there day and eats as much as they want too. My favorite is Turkey and Dressing least favorite Pumpkin Pie..Take time to give thanks today..I give thanks that i got to meet lots of friends along the way and I got to live in Tyler, Texas. But most of all for my wonderful kids that taught me most about unconditional love.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

lord give me strength

well we have had a few lookers this week and even a second showing on the house, which is good because if I have to deal with this much longer I will go crazy. Jay is driving me insane. I think I may have to tell him to stop coming home on the weekends-for his own safety. He seems to continue to be in "boss" mode when he walks in the door Friday. I keep this house up all week long, I take care of the kids all week long, he comes home and questions everything. He gets mad that we just want to chill over the weekend and the kids want to play with their friends. I don't mind that, they want to spend time with them before they move and never see them again..He chose to go up to Oklahoma without us then he has to deal with it we both have to make sacrifices right now. I don't understand why we haven't got to move up there yet, I wanted to move over the thanksgiving weekend but that has changed. We don't need to buy a house there we can live in a townhome or something we have done that with every other move....Not sure whats going on I know it had to do alittle with me since I wasn't sure if I was moving or not....
We are having Jordans birthday this Sunday along with there going away party and Jordan said "mommy I think I am going to cry at my birthday party cause i don't want to move" and I said "don't worry it's okay to cry I will be crying too"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

halloween fun

The kids enjoyed trick or treating with their friends. I went as Sarah Palin(future VP hopefully) my glasses our the transitions lens so they were dark but it still worked...We went to some friends house for a party later that night for the kids, they were tired so I took them home, Jay arrived later. We finally stopped handing out candy at 9:30...

The first pic is the kids at trunk or treat then the next is in the nieghborhood. Our street is lined with McCain/Palin signs

Thursday, October 30, 2008


when is enough enough, when you tell him you don't want to leave this place that you have grown to love, when you want so bad to say i will only go if you promise me we will stay there until the kids graduate. Its not just I want to stay here in Tyler I do but I just want to take a loonnnnggg break on moving... I fear that when/if I go to Oklahoma I may have resentment towards jay and I don't want that. I also don't want to go and 2 years later we move again. Every move is so hard, having to start everything all over not just for the kids but me too. Corpus was hard to leave(especially watching Eric cry) and I was angry at jay for the longest but I knew I needed to leave their . I didn't want Eric to go to the next school. So I knew God had his hands in that. I am sure he does this time but I always felt God wanted me to find Tyler since I feel so calm here, I don't know what it is about here. Its home to me. Stay in Tyler, go to Oklahoma arghhhhhh. I know this isn't all about me and Jay does have his career but when is enough, enough.

I understand that loving a man shouldn't have to be this rough.....

Monday, October 27, 2008

pumpkin carving day

Every year I let Jay and the kids carve a pumpkin so this year we did it early since Jay has started his new job in Oklahoma. Jordan drew the face on the pumpkin and jay cuts the top off so they can scrap the insides and get all the pumpkin seeds. They love me to roast the pumpkin seeds with just salt and then they eat them up. We are busy this week, Eric has a birthday party on wednesday, then we have trunk or treat at St. Gregorys on thursday then friday is halloween. Then we have BOO at the ZOO on sat/sun not sure which day. Jordan will go as Mitchie(Camp Rock) on thursday and as Hannah Montana on Halloween and Eric will be a headbanger/rocker. I will post/send pics as soon as I get them up.... Happy Halloween

rub a dub dub 3 kids in a tub

The kids like to come over and fill this tub up and see if they can all get in there. First is Maggie, Rylee, and Jordan. Second is Madison, Sam and Jordan...

Monday, October 20, 2008

open house and the kids

Well we had an open house on sunday and had a total of 2 people. I know the market is bad, the economy is a little unsteady, banks worried and wanted more money down the list goes on and on. I am still unsure with getting a house in Oklahoma I guess I could always keep my home in Tyler as a vacation home since i want to come back here every chance I get. I know the kids would like that.. I felt like I had a real family here. So we will come back here to visit. I do know that Eric wants to get to Oklahoma soon so he can start meeting new friends. We are looking at going soon and picking out a house to hopefully be in by Thanksgiving and then start decorating for Christmas. I think we may get to have our 2nd snowy christmas. Our first was Corpus in 2004 and that was a miracle.
The kids are doing well in school Eric had 4 A's and 1 B on his report card and Jordan got all E's. Jordan is doing better with her reading and math. She gets tutoring on both everyday at school then we work on it after school as well. They have both made lots of friends and are looking forward to halloween at home in Tyler. Jordan is going to be Mitchie(camp rock) and Eric something scary i assume. The kids have parties these next few weekends and it happens to each of their best friends birthdays(Maggie and Hart).

Friday, October 3, 2008


well today is Jays last day with Baker Atlas, its alittle sad to see it ending since he has been there as long as we have been married. I feel like I lost alittle of ourselves with this change like he wanted something new, a change maybe well what else does he need to change?? I have been struggling with leaving Tyler much less Texas hopefully it will get better as it gets closer. I think I just hate seeing the tears in the kids eyes as they leave another group of close friends behind and worry that will they have a hard time later in life with getting close to people..I know they're young they'll be fine but will they...I know Jay is excited about going to work for Weatherford and his new position. I guess thats all that matters..Keep us in our prayers as we are trying to sell a house and buy a new one at the same time...

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.!!where is that????

Sunday, September 14, 2008

week end review

the good news is everyone who went thru IKE is alive and well though they may have lost/damage material possessions they can still be grateful for their will be awhile for the electricity to be back on for many.... we had alot of rain and wind..After watching the weather reports all day the kids got out and each made there own. I will try and get them on if I could ever figure it out...Eric was more talk and Jordan was alot of screaming....We are still waiting on word about OK the last of the paperwork was sent on thurs but then that hurricane hit and houston is shut down...this has been the hardest and most stressful move I am beginning to wonder if something is trying to make us change or mind....oh well Jays not superstitious....take care stay safe

Monday, September 1, 2008

The kids first AGGIE game

Eric really enjoyed the aggie football game. He would watch every play and even jumped out of his seat a few times.....Even though they lost it we all still had a great time........

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of school

Wow school has started...the kids were excited well the night before they both were then in the morning Jordan hated school since she didnt wont to wake up. We ended up putting Eric in school with Jordan and he seemed to like it he made a friend that plays RuneScape. Its easier now having them both in the same school and not having to depend on rides. I was alittle bored with myself not having to watch them fight with each other all day. But I am trying to focus on cleaning the house and boxing stuff up I am not sure how the job in OK is looking since it seems to have stalled but hey i wouldn't mind staying here in tyler........TTYL

Sunday, August 24, 2008

our 12th anniversary

Today is our 12 year Anniversary....Jay bought me some roses and gave me a sweet card. Later we will go out to eat and then relax....We are starting the kids at Jack Elem in Tyler tomorrow since we are still waiting to hear about Oklahoma, hopefully we will here something on Monday I swear this has given me more stress than any other move. First its very hard leaving here and second wondering when we are leaving here. Take care and good luck to all the kids starting school.....

Friday, August 22, 2008

jordans favorite

holding spot the cat, swimming at the lake,bidoff the guinea pig,best friends,camp w/maggie,snowtubing....

erics favorite things

snowboarding at Ruidoso NM,his best friend Hart, kneeboarding on lake palestine,

good morning-update

for those of you who know we are moving(I haven't told everyone yet due to the situation) Jason still has not heard anything yet...I am considering going up this weekend to get the kids in school but that is on hold unless we hear something today....Jordan is getting over her strep throat and eric is getting another haircut today....take care

Thursday, August 21, 2008

one day at a time

howdy everybody
well we are still in limbo here in my favorite city TYLER-which by the way is the best place I have ever lived-so Edmond has alooooottttt to live up to....hahahaha....the kids are not in school yet we should be decided on that this weekend......this has been very frustrating on all of us..but anyways we will keep this blog updated regularly as well as Eric chiming in with his thoughts.